- CV #1-3 – Syncope/Presyncope, Organ Hypoperfusion, Baroreceptor Reflex, Left vs. Right Heart Failure
- CV #8-9 – Shock, DVT vs. A-Fib (i.e., Venous vs. Arterial Emboli)
- CV #10-11 – Mesenteric Ischemia, How Do X-Rays/CTs/Contrast Actually Work??
- CV #12-13 – Aortic Dissection, Tamponade
- CV #14 – Nuclear Medicine (PET vs. Scintigraphy vs. SPECT e.g., V/Q Scans, SESTAMIBI), Exercise vs. Chemical Cardiac Stress Tests
- CV #15 – Pressure (Decubitus) Ulcers, Rhabdomyolysis
- CV #16 – Stridor vs. Wheeze, Tracheomalacia vs. Tracheal Stenosis
- CV #17-18 – Compartment Syndrome, Glasgow Coma Scale and Rhabdomyolysis
- Applications: BP Determinants
- Cardiology Applications – Pulse Pressure, Cardiopulmonary Bypass, Hemodilution
- Respiratory Physiology
- Respiratory Physiology 2
- ABGs
- ARDS, Ventilators
- ARDS, Ventilators #2
- Ventilators Question Interpretation #1
- Ventilators Question Interpretation #2
- Renal # 1 – What Is Creatinine? Why Do We Use It to Define Kidney Failure / What Is Kidney Failure?
- Renal # 2 – Pre-Renal vs. Intra-Renal AKI, FeNa, BUN/Cr Ratio
- Renal # 7 – Acid-Base Disorders and Lots of Practice
- Renal # 12 – Anion Gap Made Simple + Practical
- Renal # 17 – Fluid Resuscitation Made Simple + Practical (Colloid vs. Crystalloid, 4-2-1 Rule for Maintenance Fluids, Hyper/Hypo/Isotonic Solutions, Transfusion Thresholds)
- Renal # 18 – Incontinence Made Simple (Urge vs. Stress vs. Overflow vs. Functional)
- Renal Interpretation Practice #5 – SIADH, Hemorrhagic Shock, Hyperparathyroidism, Appendicitis, Small Bowel Obstruction and Fluid Resuscitation/Acid-Base Disorders
- Diuretics (Solo)
- Electrolytes
- GI # 1 – Gilbert Syndrome + LFTs (AST/ALT/ALP), Conjugated vs. Unconjugated Bilirubin, Acute vs. Chronic Liver Failure, and the Color of Blood/Pee/Poop/Pus (and Even Leaves!)
- GI (+ Hematology / Immunology) # 2 – Coombs (Indirect vs. Direct), Hemolytic Anemia, and What a “Type and Screen” Actually Does
- GI # 3 – LFTs: Read and Recognize + What Actually Causes Nausea/Vomiting in the GI Tract?
- GI # 7 – Pancreatic CA + How Ultrasound Actually Works and When to Use It (and When a CT is Better)
- GI (+ Surgery) # 8 – HCV vs. HBV, AFP, and Why Some Viruses Cause Cancer
- GI (+ Surgery) # 10 – Cirrhosis, Portal Hypertension, and Portosystemic Anastomoses (e.g., Varices, Caput Medusae, etc.)
- GI (+ Surgery, Neuro) # 15 – Gallstones, Kidney Stones, + Precipitation; Neuropathic vs. Nociceptive Pain; Referred Pain – Why Does It Happen?
- GI (+ Surgery) # 16 – Biliary Colic vs. Cholecystitis, Ultrasound, + What the Heck is a HIDA?
- Inhaled Anesthetics
- Neuromuscular Blockade
- Anesthetic Topics
- PTH, Vitamin D, Bone Metabolism
- PTH, Vitamin D, Bone Metabolism #2