Dashboard 2

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Welcome to Yousmle Never Forget!!

This is the Course Dashboard. It gives you a Step by Step outline of what you need to do to complete the Never Forget Program.

Here Is What to Do



This is to help us maximize your progress toward mastery. Click here to get started


The day you sign up for the course, you will receive an email that gives you access to your Yousmle google drive folder. This folder will have all the docs and reports you will use while in the Never Forget Program.

Here is a sample of what your folder will look like:

Access the Accountability Checklist Doc in your folder:

Use the Milestone Checklist tab to record the dates you complete your requirements for each week:

Fill out the information on the Personal Questionnaire tab

The remaining tabs will be discussed with you during your first 30 min session with a Learning Specialist



Join the Discord Group here
**Alec add a small paragraph here


5. Week 1: Go Through “START HERE” MODULES

Start the “Start Here” Modules here
**Alec add a small paragraph here



Start the Anki & Question Interpretation Modules here
**Alec update this paragraph: Imagine a world where you learn everything well. You make Anki cards to never forget it. When you do QBank questions, you can immediately see the connections and know precisely what the question writer is asking. Rather than dread the day, you are excited about learning again. Your scores climb steadily. Let us explain how we will help you master – not memorize – for impressive Boards scores and more fulfilling careers.


7. Week 3 and 4: Go Through CORE CONCEPT MODULES

Start the Core Concept Modules here
**Alec add a small paragraph here


8. Week 5 and Forward: Start MASTERING ORGAN SYSTEMS

Start the Organ Systems Modules here
The Online Course Content Modules are consistently rated as the #1 thing about the Online Course. Why? Because you’ll finally learn WHY things are. No more memorizing pressure-volume loop lines. Plus, remembering a lecture has never been so easy. Just copy + paste the Integration/Application questions into your cards so you never forget the material. So simple! Instead of a lecturer droning on and on about their research, we’ll explain the exact connections and principles that you need to know for impressive USMLE scores.


This Month’s Live Sessions (Please Check Your Email for Updates)

My sessions (tentative)

Monday, December 5th, at 2:30 PM PST / 5:30 PM EST- Dr. Palmerton- Feynman Fireside (Prepare to teach something you’ve learned for 2 minutes, using a simple analogy/framework so a 7-year-old can understand)
Tuesday, December 6th at 2:30 PM PST / 5:30 PM EST- Dr. Palmerton- Anki Audit
Sunday, December 11th at 12:00 PM PST / 3:00 PM EST- Isaac Kim-Anki Audit
Tuesday, December 13th at 2:30 PM PST / 5:30 PM EST- Dr. Palmerton- Question Interpretation Practice (Bring Your Unused QBank Questions!)
Thursday, December 22nd at 4:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM EST- Isaac Kim-Anki Audit

Location for all Sessionshttp://gotomeet.me/yousmle


Still Have Questions:

Check Out the SYLLABUS

This is the Course Syllabus. Refer to this for all questions re: Course expectations, how to get the most out of your experience, and logistics.

Check Out the FAQ

Check out the FAQ for answers to many of the most common questions.

You can ask questions here.

Request for Something Course-Related?

To provide the best learning experience possible, we’d like to hear your ideas and suggestions for features and content that you’d like to see here.

To leave suggestions, please visit the Requests page.